Bengalurians are a synonym for adjustment; they adjust with traffic, chaos, potholes, and we even stand for hours to get that one plate of Masala Dose from Vidyarthi Bhavan. Sounds crazy but it is true. We were just thinking as what if Google were a Begalurian? What happens when the World’s most efficient search engine gets into the blood of Benglauru? Here are the insane results you can expect if Google were a Bengalurian.
How to Save Money?
First, you learn to take your change back from BMTC conductor. You will save a lot.
Things to do in Bangalore
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Best Honeymoon Spots in India
Nandi Hills Bro. Forever. If not Nandi Hills then it has to be Wonderla.
Best Street Food in India
Well, people say Mumbai but do not follow the Mass because ‘M’ in mass is always Silent. Go to VV Puram food street in Bengaluru. Check this out – What to eat in VV Puram Food Street
How to succeed in IT Industry?
In order to succeed in IT Industry, you need to cross three bridges. They are KR Puram Bridge, Marathahalli Bridge, and Silk Board Bridge.
The shortest route to Goa from Bengaluru
Simple. Go straiiiiightuu. Ondeeey Road. Take left. Take right. You will get a bridge but don’t go on it. Take a service road and ask someone in the signal. Thank you.
When is the next Flipkart Sale?
Guru, go to Commercial street or Jayanagar Shopping complex. You will get it for a better price. You better check this list – Shopping Streets in Benglauru
What is the age of SRK?
Did you mean: Age of Shivraj Kumar
Synonym for WTF
NaK**n, Sh***a
How to Lose Weight in One Month
Join a start-up or if you want an immediate result then open a start-up.
Meaning of Gowda
proper noun
The one who cannot live without Non-Veg food.
Best Food in the World
Masala Dose.
Best People in the World
The one who eats Masala Dose.
Best Questions To Ask
Dip ah Separate ah?
Admission in Bishop Cotton
Career options after Engineering
Mtech, Ms, Photography, Story writing, Art of waiting in the Silk Board junction, Cab Driving, Meme Making.
Best Team in the IPL
Royal Challengers Bangalore aka RCB.
Can RCB win IPL this time?
Ee Sala Cup Namde.
How to succeed in life?
Sade. If I knew that I will not be sitting here answering your stupid questions.
Soooo, how did you like this? Hope you found it insane and interesting. If yes then please share it with your friends and with your fellow Bengaluru folks.
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