Taking a road trip is not just about driving long hours and gas station stops. Keep reading for 7 popular
games to play while on a road trip.
Life is full of craziness with everyday drama and work pressures. Do you ever feel in need to
escape the mundane of everyday life? A road trip with friends and family is a spontaneity spunk.
In the United States, 22% of vacations are road trips. Road trips not only accord fun and an
escape plan. They bring delight, and for a moment, help clear your mind.
Taking a road trip is not about driving long hours and gas stations. You need to make the
experience fun to remember.
We’ve listed seven popular games to play while on a road trip for you.
1. Is Singing Among Games to Play?
Trips with long hours in the car can be exhausting and boring. Before getting to the various
destinations, a singing game in the car will set a joyous mood.
So what are the rules of the singing game?
- One person initiates a song.
- Using the lyric from the song, the next partner in the car connects with another song.
- The game continuous until one of the persons messes the lyrics or the song.
2. The Movie Game
Do you and your friends love movies? If yes this is the fun car game for you. So what is it about?
The game aims to connect actors with movies they headline.
- The game begins by mentioning an actor.
- The next person determines the movies they star.
- Another person mentions another character in the movie.
- The game continues until one of the members is incorrect.
3. Regional Food Master
If you and your friends are foodies this road trip game is for you.
The game involves collecting snacks at most gas stations during the road trip. At each station,
you have to obtain one local snack. The snack has to be local.
4. Cow on My Side
So what about the cows? The games involve hollering if one of you sees a cow.
This rule requires you to yell cow on my side when you see a cow on their side.
When one of you sees cows on the other side, you’ll yell “cows on your side.” Each time you
make this call, your scores increase.
5. Word Association
The idea is to make a string of words through association. Its rule is to name a word. The next
person has to think of a word associated with the word.
The game continues until one of the member’s messes.
This is a fun game while driving.
6. Would You Rather
The game is simple to play. A participant is asked to choose between two bad situations.
The questions are drawn from a card deck or from online bingo offers.
7. Sweet or Sour
Sweet or sour is a fun game to play in the car, especially for kids. The kids wave at strangers or
motorists along the streets.
If the people respond, they’re sweet. If not; they’re sour.
Keep a record to determine whether they are sweet or sour. The records help determine the number of sweet and sour people during the road trip.
Wrap Up
Don’t get bored during the road trip. Playing fun games on a road trip improves the experience. Try the suggested seven games to play to make the trip fun and reduce stress.
For more ideas on road trips, visit our website.