Bengaluru and traffic are two bodies and one soul; inseparable. Hell with all the complaints and measures, traffic in the city is getting worse with time and it is only increasing. Thanks to IT revolution. Well, the city was not like this before but as it started growing, every other problem arose. Anyhow, if we have to travel in the city then we have to bear the traffic. We all have stuck in Bengaluru traffic. Admit it. In this context, we have observed few things that happen in Bangalore traffic and you can’t deny to relate them. Check it out.
Things That Happen Only in Bangalore Traffic
You find people showing hands while crossing the road
They expect us to stop and if we don’t then they feel so bad like as if we have stolen their kidney. And few say, ‘Nodkand Barak Aagalwa?’
People who see Daydreams in Traffic
Mostly when stuck in Silk Board traffic.
Those irritating people feeling busy in mobile, not moving even when the signal is turned to Green.
I wonder what these people are doing? I feel like snatching their mobile and throw it in a running BMTC bus.
Have you observed the Racers?
The moment the signal turns to Green, they raise their accelerator and just disappear in seconds.
Irritating BMTC buses which stop here and there without any indication.
Thus creating a Traffic Jam.
Why are so many people coming to my Area?
A thought that often pops up when stuck in a non-moving traffic.
That Awesome moment when Bengaluru Roads are empty
For a second, you don’t feel like you are riding on Bengaluru roads. Isn’t it?
Thoughts that come while stuck in Traffic
I really hope I had a super power and could dissaper every damn person who creates a traffic jam in Bangalore #bangaloretraffic
— bhargav_atul (@bhargavatul1) January 22, 2018
I wish I had a superpower like Superman where I could just fly and reach my home.
Why people stay left when they actually want to take a right turn?
That Helpless moment: The Signal has turned to green and you are still unable to move.
Why aren’t they moving? WTF is happening?
Those Surprising turns from Autowalas.
You find people who will be looking for that one gap through which they can pass and move ahead.
On the other hand, there are people who just don’t want to move even though there is a healthy gap.
When I asked one such person, he replied, “Urgent kya hai? Ghar jaake kya Karega?’
God! Please take the eyes of people who put high beam and come in the one-way road.
Horrible people!
You find people who put left indicator and goes right.
But why? Is there right brain not working?
Honkers who just keeps Honking
You find people who honk in an empty road Bro!
Hehe we hope you found this list relateable. If yes then please share with your friends and tag them too. We are sure that there are so many other things you can add to this list. Please comment about your Bangalore traffic experience.
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