Emergency Survival Tips for Those Living In Disaster-Prone Areas

You may live in a disaster-prone area and therefore know how important it is to prepare well for any emergency. Being well-prepared could mean the difference between survival and fatality. Before the rescue teams can come in, you need to do your part to ensure that you have a chance at survival.  You must take into consideration aspects like stocking up on the best emergency survival kits. Also consider learning first aid, having necessary life skills like the ability to swim among others.

Let’s explore some of the things that can help you survive in an emergency.


1. Have The Relevant Knowledge

Having relevant knowledge is especially useful for those who live in disaster-prone areas.  If for example, your area experiences floods, you should be up-to-date on weather reports. With advancements in technology, you can get alerts right to your phone or smart device. Subscribing to websites such as Red Cross or FEMA are especially crucial because they have their ear on the ground at all times.

2. Do You Have A Plan In Place

Disaster strike at any moment and that is why you must always have a plan in place. The plan should detail what each family member will be accountable for. Make sure you touch on every aspect, for instance, which is in charge of the elderly, who will move the pets, who will shut down the electricity and gas, among others.

Ensure that you Include recovery Aspects in your plan. Have things like contact information, the plan of action if the family splits, the first place to look for help, among other things. Also include important numbers for the police, the nearest hospital, Red Cross centers, among others.


3. Have An Emergency Survival Kit

You have two options when thinking about an emergency survival kit.  You can make one yourself or buy a ready kit. If you have finances, you should definitely consider buying a ready one because it will most likely have everything you may require. Make sure the kit has items such as medications, first aid items, a whistle, multi-purpose tools, blankets, flashlight among others.
Ensure that you have sufficient food and water to last you at least two weeks. There are
many emergency food items such as dried foods, energy bars, among others.

4. Assess Your Living Area

Assess both the indoors and outdoors and keep a list of essential things. It would also benefit you immensely to take an insurance cover if the likelihood of a disaster is high. Make sure that your outdoors situation does not contribute to the overall impact of the disaster. It requires that you trim any overhanging branches, clear debris, get rid of or properly any flammable objects among others.

Final Thoughts

You may not prevent natural disasters, but you can take the necessary steps to ensure that you and your family are safe. It requires a level of planning, arming yourself with the relevant information, stocking up on survival kits and building a network of people who can help out during emergencies.
