Recently the video of Ratan Tata celebrating his birthday with a tiny cupcake went viral. With him, there was a young guy who happens to be Ratan Tata’s Assistant and his name is Shantanu Naidu. Shantanu Naidu is a social media star for his work and especially for his relationship with Ratan Tata.
How did Shantanu Naidu get here?
After finishing his graduation, Shantanu Naidu joined Tata as an employee. His love for Dogs and the condition of the Stray Dogs that witness death on the road moved him to do something different. He along with his friends started Motopaws a company that would make glow-in-the-dark collars for the dogs with which they could avoid accidents of the stray dogs in the night.
The idea was an instant hit and they were able to save many dogs but they were not able to produce many collars as they had little to no funding for this project but the project was featured in the Newsletter of the Tata Company.
Very hesitantly, on the advice of his father Shantanu wrote a handwritten letter to Mr. Ratan Tata who is known particularly for his love for Dogs. “I was hesitant at first, but then I said to myself, ‘Why not?’ So I wrote him a handwritten letter and forgot all about it!”, he says.
He received a letter from Ratan Tata two months later. This response in the form of a letter was signed by the man himself and asked him to meet in person. When Shantanu met Mr. Tata, he told him that he was very touched by his work.
Further, this duo went on to become best friends and Tata helped with his unique project and funded it. Shantanu then left for the US to pursue his masters and told Mr. Tata that upon his return, he will dedicate his life working for that Tata Trust.
“As soon as I came back to India, he gave me a call and said ‘I have a lot of work to be done in my office. Would you like to be my assistant?’ I didn’t know how to react. So I took a deep breath, and a few seconds later said ‘Yes!’”.
That’s how Naidu landed in the job of Ratan Tata’s assistant!