Darshan recently had to face the wrath of Punneth Rajkumar fans as one of them attacked the Kranti actor with a slipper. This incident happened while the challenging star was busy promoting for Kranti at Hosapete. Here’s the reason why all this row transpired.
The story
Kranti’s second song ‘Bombe Bombe’ was released in Hosapete Ballari. There was a special event organized at the place to launch the music and Challenging star Darshan and Rachita Ram were also present. However, before the event could have begun, Puneeth Rajkumar and Darshan fans were caught up in a dispute.
Before the song release event kicked off, many Puneeth fans charged the stage and raised ‘Appu’ slogans. After this, a quarrel broke out between D-boss fans and Appu fans and the police had to control the situation.
Notably, it all started after Puneeth Rajkumar fans allege that some insensitive Darshan fans wrote offensive statements on Puneeth’s Death post. It further prompted Appu fans to take revenge and were waiting for Darshan and his fans to come to Hosapete for Kranti’s promotion.
ಹೊಸಪೇಟೆಯಲ್ಲಿ #DBoss #ಕ್ರಾಂತಿ ಸಂಭ್ರಮ #Appu ಪ್ರತಿಮೆಗೆ ಹೂವಿನ ಹಾರ ಹಾಕಿದ @Challengingstar @dasadarshan #KrantiRevolutionFromJan26th pic.twitter.com/jpulhFHZ0d
— A Sharadhaa (@sharadasrinidhi) December 18, 2022
The situation cooled off when Darshan offered a garland for Puneeth Rajkumar’s statue. However, while Rachita Ram was delivering a speech about the film, angry Appu fans attacked Darshan with a slipper.
Reacting instantly, D-Boss came up with a calmer response. He says in Kannada, “Tappenu illa chinna parvagilla (It’s ok dear, nothing was wrong)”
Sharp reactions
A new kind of war broke out on the internet while most came out in support of Kranti star.
ಫ್ಯಾನ್ಸ್ ಬ್ಯಾನರ್ ಹರಿದಾಗ , ಗಲಾಟೆ ಮಾಡಿದಾಗ , ಶರಣಂ ಆಗಿರುವವರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಹಾಕಬಾರದು ಅಂದುಕೊಂಡು ಸುಮ್ಮನಾದೆ ….
ಎಲ್ಲರ ಮೇಲೆ ಗೌರವ ಇತ್ತು , ಅದು ನಿನ್ನೆಗೆ ಮುಗಿತು ☺️
ಒಂದು ಸೈಡ್ ಬ್ಯಾಟಿಂಗ್ ಆದಮೇಲೆ ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಸೈಡ್ ಬ್ಯಾಟಿಂಗ್ ಇರುತ್ತೆ ಮಗ ?
"WE STAND WITH D BOSS" ❤#DBoss • #Kranti • @DasaDarshan pic.twitter.com/gNf7bWBXj6
— Online Darshan FC (@OnlineDarshanFC) December 19, 2022
This is disgraceful,i am not @dasadarshan fan but what happened today is making me fell bad,this has to be stop online trolling should only limite to online it shouldn't go outside.
we stand with Darshan sir #Kranti pic.twitter.com/0xqR9Gt8Wq— ShubhamShetty (@shettyShubham66) December 19, 2022
We stand with Darshan sir … ❤️#KrantiRevolutionFromJan26 #KrantiBegins pic.twitter.com/1Xs9lhNzeq
— RSY and VK (@realpkmkb) December 18, 2022
The incident happened yesterday in Hospete is really disrespectful…Fan wars must be there but for that also there is a limit..It should be last with fans only we should not take that to the Actors. As a fan of #YashBoss I Stand with #Darshan sir and his fans. pic.twitter.com/JLy9xvMbsy
— Cinema Samachara (@cine_samachara) December 19, 2022
We stand with appu boss fans always??? . sympathy star ge saayo vargu troll madtini pic.twitter.com/E8wDf0GIpT
— darshan father kiccha (@FatherKiccha) December 19, 2022
"Forgiveness does not change the past but it does enlarge the future." #DBoss @dasadarshan #KrantiOnJan26 #ಕ್ರಾಂತಿ #Kranti pic.twitter.com/AV5L1oOCCB
— S Shyam Prasad (@ShyamSPrasad) December 19, 2022