As the novel coronavirus outbreak creates panic amongst people around the world, conspiracy theories and misinformation about the disease are shared on several social media platforms.
This constant wave of information can make it tricky to separate fact from fiction. In this specific article, we try to bring out some of the myths and conspiracies which can help you know better about the Coronavirus.
Here is the list of some of the most common myths that are currently circulating on social media and beyond.
1. Spraying chlorine or alcohol on skin kills viruses in the body
2. Saline rinse and mouthwash can help prevent infection
3. Children cannot catch COVID-19
4. COVID-19 is just like the flu
5. Eating chicken and meat can invite coronavirus
6. Face masks protect against coronavirus
7. You have to be with someone for 10 minutes to catch the virus
8. Rinsing the nose with saline protects against coronavirus
9. Antibiotics kill coronavirus
10. Garlic and onions protect against coronaviruses
11. Parcels from China can spread coronavirus
12. You can catch coronavirus from eating Chinese food
13. You can catch coronavirus from urine and feces
14. The virus will die off when temperatures rise in the spring
15. The outbreak began because people ate bat soup
16. The virus was probably made in a lab
17. Getting COVID-19 is a death sentence
18. Pets can spread the new coronavirus
19. Any cough-based illness is COVID-19.
20. Community spread means anyone, anywhere can get the infection at any time
21. Cocaine can kill the coronavirus