Recent revelations from the crash site of CDS Bipin Rawat’s chopper from Tamil Nadu is shocking. Till now altogether 11 deaths have been confirmed with Gen Rawat’s wife Madhulika on the list. The official statement on Rawat’s health is not released yet while the list of senior officials who accompanied the CDS has been confirmed.
High Profile Officers On The List
A military chopper crashed in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday. The Indian Air Force confirmed that Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat was on- board an IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter that met with an accident earlier today near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. The IAF has ordered an inquiry into the accident. “An IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter, with CDS Gen Bipin Rawat on board, met with an accident today near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. An Inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause of the accident,” tweeted IAF.

The list consists of 9 names including that of CDS Rawat and his wife Mrs. Madulika Rawat, Brig LS Lidder, Lt Col Harjinder Singh, NK Gursewak Singh, NK Jitendra Kumar, L/NK Vivek Kumar, L/NK B Sai Teja and Hav Satpal. Defence sources said 14 persons including General Rawat and senior officers were on board. Initial reports suggested the helicopter had taken off from the IAF Sulur base in Coimbatore. Police sources said at least four passengers were feared dead and three persons were found with critical burn injuries from the accident site.
Source : The freepress Journal