Earlier today, at 10 am, PM Narendra Modi arrived on National Television and announced the extension of lockdown to May 3rd. While the PM also touched upon many other topics, he highlighted on ‘7 Steps‘, which he requested every citizen to follow for the next few days.
PM Modi, in his speech, requested ”Give Me Your Help With Seven Steps” and set the tone for his fellow countrymen to follow. The 7 Steps are here as follows:
Look after the Elders at home
PM Modi urged the citizens to take care of the elder citizens at home, especially the ones with existing health complications. This is because of the vulnerability of such individuals to the virus.
Lockdown and Social Distancing to be followed
The Prime Minister requested everyone to comply with the lockdown and social distancing norms to fight the outbreak. He also suggested using home-made face masks and covers.
Increase your Immunity
Modi requested the fellow citizens to follow the Ayush Ministry in order to help build their immunity. One of the ways is the frequent consumption of hot water.
Download Aarogya Setu Application
An app developed by the Government of India, Mr. Modi urged the Indians to download this application and stay up to date with the latest information.
Read more about the App here
Try to help the poor
With the lives of daily-wage laborers and poor citizens going for a toss, he requested the people to support the poor as much as possible.
Avoid Layoffs
PM Modi asked the concerned business heads to stop firing people and avoid downsizing at the office.
Respect the Coronavirus ‘Soldiers’
The PM finally requested the countrymen to respect the frontline warriors- doctors and healthcare workers, who are working hard to make the country COVID-19 free.