On the occasion of the 244th Independence Day of the United States, President Donald Trump launched another attack on the Chinese as he said the country must be held accountable for COVID-19.
Ever Since the Pandemic broke out in the United States, President Trump has been involved in attacking the Chinese. He first attributed the virus as the Chinese virus and the Wuhan virus. Later, he alleged that the Chinese must pay reparations for the economic damage COVID-19 has caused in the world. In another similar attack, Trump said,
“We’re producing gowns, masks, and surgical equipment…It was almost exclusively made in foreign lands, in particular, China where ironically this virus and others came from. China’s secrecy, deceptions, and cover-ups allowed it to spread all over the world and China must be held fully accountable.”

Trump had also criticized the World Health Organisation for mishandling the pandemic and favoring China on many fronts. Trump further stopped the United States donations to the Health body. The United States had also announced an investigation in Wuhan to find out if the virus was prepared in a laboratory but the Chinese refused to let them in. The war of words between both countries continued over the economic damage and a massive health crisis in the world.
‘America Doing Well’
Trump also said the United States is doing extremely well in handling the pandemic. He said,
“We are now unbelievably doing well and are testing on vaccines, treatments and therapeutics. I want to send our thanks to scientists and researchers around the country and the world who are at the forefront of our historic effort to rapidly develop and deliver life-saving treatments and ultimately a vaccine. We are unleashing our nation’s scientific brilliance and we will likely have a therapeutic and vaccines solution long before the end of the year.”
The United States has so far reported over 2 million cases with 132,00 deaths due to the disease. Close to 1.2 million people have successfully recovered from the disease. The United States has also been at the top in terms of testing. The country has so far tested over 40 million people. 16,000 people still remain critical.
Source: Free Press Journal