IISC Study Says That Most Of Sars-Cov-2 Entered India From European And Middle Eastern Countries

India Coronavirus (3)

According to a recent study conducted by resources from the Indian Institute of Science, the novel coronavirus that has resulted in over 7000 deaths in India has come from Europe, Middle East, Oceania, and South Asian regions rather than from China.

The new research implies that the virus traveled all over the world before it came to India. The team of researches includes professor Kumaravel Somasundaram, Mainak Mandal, and Ankita Lawarde who are from the department of microbiology e and cell biology. The team has published a scientific report into the possible origin and spread of the coronavirus in India. The report says,


“The analysis revealed 129 out of the 137 coronaviruses in India show more similarity to specific countries. In cluster A, Indian samples show more similarity two viruses found in Oceania, Kuwait, and South Asian samples. In cluster B sample show more similarity to European countries while there are few numbers of middle East and South Asian samples. These results indicate that majority of the novel coronavirus in India originated from Europe, Middle East, South Asia, and Oceania regions.”

India Coronavirus (2)
Courtesy: The New Indian Express

Close Relation Between Source And The Countries Indians Travel The Most

The remaining samples are identified with the samples from China and other East Asian countries. The report indicates that the viruses that have similarities with China have been brought in from Indian travelers who have come from the country and the neighboring countries as the show resemblance to the ancestral Chinese virus. The report further states that,

“The probable source of origin of Indian novel coronavirus is countries from Europe and ocean regions besides middle East and South Asian regions. The possible friend of the novel coronavirus to India true middle East countries from Europe and Oceania regions cannot be ruled out. Indeed both a and b clusters content samples from Middle East countries.”

However, the absence of accurate information from all the patients and contact history has made the possible source of origin uncertain. This report also states that there is a close relationship between the source of the virus and the countries that most traveled by Indians. Finally, the researchers add that,

“It is important to point out that most countries in America Europe ocean and East Asia work in supporting advanced scientific studies on the virus and the disease process itself in suitable containment facilities and appropriate ethical clearance towards developing novel treatment modalities and preventive vaccines.”


Source: The Times of India
