Looking for a house to rent in Bengaluru? Make sure you have degrees from colleges like the IIT, IIM, or ISB. This is because landlords are asking for them and before renting a house want to take a look at the LinkedIn profiles of people seeking their house for rent.
Renting a house in Bengaluru
Degrees are necessary for going on a house hunt in Bengaluru. Yes, you read it right. And it is because the landlords in the city want you to have it if you are looking to get a flat or a room for rent. Just like the matrimonial sites, you can also get rejected in Bengaluru if you do not come from an IIT or an IIM.
A man in Bengaluru recently shared a screenshot of a strange interaction between him and his broker wherein he gets rejected by a landlord for not having a degree from the IIMs and the IITs.
Priyansh Jain, looking for a flat in Bengaluru, was stunned when he was rejected by a landlord for not belonging to a top college. Some flat owners may deny you a flat if you are living alone or living with a partner or if you belong to a particular sect or religion. However, the residents in Bengaluru are not only nosy about your relationship status or your religion but are also keen to have a look at your Linkedin profile.
A strong Linkedin profile
Surprisingly, Jain was asked for the link to his Linkedin profile when he enquired about a flat on Facebook. The person who posted the advertisement asked for his background details. He said that the owner was looking for people from a specific background and then went on to ask about Jain’s office and college details. Jain replied saying that he worked at Atlassian, an Australian software company, and was a vegetarian. Like any other new person who is unaware of a new city’s demands, Jain thought the person might not be open to renting his flat to a non-vegetarian, but being a vegetarian can increase his chances of getting the house. But he was mistaken.
Further, the broker asked Jain about his college, to which Jain said that he had studied at VIT Vellore, which is a private engineering college in Vellore. And to his surprise, the broker then said no, pointing out that the flat could not be rented out to him because the owner would only give it to people from specific colleges like IIMs, IITs, or ISB.
This is from today 🙂 pic.twitter.com/FN0b8snIq1
— Priyansh Jain (@Presto412) November 19, 2022
Things became weirder when he realized, this wasn’t the only broker he was talking to. The other broker he spoke to also asked for the link to his Linkedin account, suggesting that it has become a model in Bengaluru. A similar post went viral on Twitter in 2021, which shows that landlords in Bengaluru have been doing this for quite some time.
Peak Bangalore moment.
After having Google, JP Morgan in our portfolio, still couldn't impress the flat owner.Bhai coding contest hi rakhdo ?@peakbengaluru @BangaloreRoomi @fmrbangalore @FlatsnFlatmates pic.twitter.com/d80kuj4zXo
— Mohit Thakur (@Mohit_tweeets) November 16, 2022
Jain’s post received mixed responses on Twitter. Many residents who have faced similar incidents in the city, confirmed that such practices are common in Bengaluru. One of the users wrote that it was not just happening in Bengaluru but had also started in Hyderabad.
Looking for a 2BHK in HSR.
Move-in Date: 1st december.
Don’t want to deal with below crap. Any help will be appreciated.@BangaloreRoomi @flatnflatmates https://t.co/q9ZBlHtNBc— Amit (@streotypdBihari) November 26, 2022