PM Narendra Modi, in his 8 pm speech today, addressed the nation regarding a variety of topics, ranging from the country’s need to become self-reliant to the further steps regarding fighting the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the country. However, considering that the entire nation was in sort of a dilemma, we wish the Prime Minister had touched upon various other topics. Here are 7 such grueling topics Mr. Modi could have talked about:
Many had expected a reply to the questions regarding the whereabouts of the PM CARES fund. However, Modi decided not to speak of the issue and its relation to the latest announced package.
Aaroghya Setu App
In his previous speech, Mr. Modi persuaded the countrymen to download the app. However, surprisingly, in some places, penalties were imposed for not having the app! Moreover, there have been several security concerns with the application, all of which could have been addressed by the PM.

Issue of Migrant Workers
The issue of migrant workers has been in the news recently. There needs to be clarity on this and may be, PM Modi could have just done that.

Attack against Doctors and Policemen
Considering several such attacks have taken place across the country, Modi could have highlighted such incidents and talked about the issue.
Further details about the economic package
A sum of Rs 20 lakh crores is a massive amount, and although PM Modi said that Nirmala Sitaraman would let out further details regarding the package, it would have been useful had Modiji himself provided more information about the amount.
More about Rate of Testing
The cases in the country are on the rise, and at this moment, there has been constant speculation of ‘Under-Testing’ in the country. A few lines about this topic could have helped the rumors stop floating.
Many world leaders have talked about a vaccine for the virus,and it was expected that Mr. Modi would follow suit. However, unfortunately, it did not happen on Tuesday.