18-year-old Nidhi Kaunnaujia has scored a whopping 95% in her CBSE Boards and did not let the biting realities of her circumstances get to her. Her other two sisters were married off when they were in class 9 and her parents were quite orthodox about educating them.
However, Nidhi stood her ground and her parents are now supportive of her education. Her father being a washerman has also had some effects on this as financially, things were difficult. But her family is now determined to let her fulfill her dreams.
Every night while her parents slept, she would wake up at 3 am and go study under the table lamp revising her syllabus and notes. “I remember how I sat under a street light during the night (before the exams), to finish and revise my coursework, because we didn’t have electricity in our area,” says Nidhi, who overcame extreme economic challenges to score the perfect Board result.
Nidhi aspires to become an IAS officer and wants to improve and better the education sector if India by increasing availability and accessibility for young and passionate youth especially girls.