Bengaluru’s Adyar Ananda Bhavan Fined Rs 1 Lakh For Using Banned Plastic And Not Segregating Waste

Adyar Anand Bhavan (A2B), the famous vegetarian food outlet has been fined a whopping Rs 1 lakh for using banned plastic and not segregating waste.

After Flipkart and Myntra it was now the turn of Adyar Ananda Bhavan to face the wrath of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP). The restaurant was fined Rs 1 lakh by the civic body for using banned plastic and not segregating waste and violating the rules of Solid Waste Management (SWM).


source: residentswatch

In a move aimed at sending a warning to other restaurants, BBMP officials planned a surprise raid at Adyar’s HSR Layout outlet that directed to the fine for not following the SWM customs.

The civic body said that the customers had complained about the restaurant using plastic boxes to pack their food which was against the customs.

source: democratictvnews

Though they have shifted to paper covers for other packings, one resident still alleges that A2B still uses plastic boxes to pack their sweets.


A BBMP Health Department official said that the fine slabs are established depending on the scale of business in these foundings. Officials close down restaurants if they do not adhere to prior notices.