The Karnataka government on Sunday said the state’s tableau will not be showcased at the Republic Day parade this year as the Union government has set clear guidelines that it would provide an opportunity to those states which have taken part very few times in the last eight years.
No K’taka tableau on Republic Day
Karnataka’s tableau is being excluded from the Republic Day parade in New Delhi this year, after showcasing the state’s culture for 13 consecutive years.
According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Defence, the selection process of tableaux is an elaborate and time-consuming affair. The ministry constitutes a committee of prominent persons from various fields to help shortlist the best proposals. In view of time constraints, only a limited number of proposals will be shortlisted and this time, the Centre is focussing on giving an opportunity to those states, which have showcased their tableau the least number of times in the last eight years.
The theme for the tableaux for this year’s Republic Day parade is India 75 – freedom struggle, actions, achievements, resolve, ideas; 2023-International year of Millets and Nari Shakti. The best three tableaux will be awarded trophies by the ministry.
Karnataka had proposed to showcase its millet diversity through a tableau during this year’s Republic Day parade, source India Today.
Official statement
“About the participation of the States’ tableau in the Republic Day parade this year, the Government of India has published guidelines, providing an opportunity to the states that did not take part/took part least number of times during the last eight years. Hence, the State of Karnataka has not got the chance to take part in the Republic Day parade,” C R Naveen, nodal officer for Republic Day tableau said in a statement.
“Moreover, if the lists of states that took part the previous year and the states selected this year are compared, it is clear that all the three prize-winning states in 2022 are not selected this year. And also except for three states, the rest of the states that took part last year are not selected,” he said. Karnataka’s tableau ‘the cradle of traditional handicrafts’ was adjudged second best last year.
Each year, Karnataka has shown its tableau at the R-Day parade which showcases the state’s rich culture, tradition, handicrafts, and folklore such as Booth Kola and Yakshagana. Karnataka has also won several awards in the past and garnered wide appreciation for its tableaux.