Sagar Shah, a boy from Uttarakhand has once again proved that success comes to those who work hard consistently. This youth from Pipalkoti village in Chamoli district completed his 12th class from a government school and enrolled for a diploma course in civil engineering in Dehradun. His family belongs to a middle-class rural base and runs a small but renowned Shahji’s Pakora Shop in the main market of the village.
Sagar Has Lofty Dreams
Just like the other youths around him in the rural location, Sagar too could have opted for a job and provide financial assistance to his family. But the boy has lofty dreams. Currently, doing his engineering in Kotiyalsen, Chamoli through his hard work he has now instead become an inspiration for the other young community in his village.
Pipalkoti does not have any coaching centers and also lacks a conducive atmosphere that helps in the preparation of such competitive exams. Still, Sagar managed to crack the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam in his first attempt.
The feat is all the more appreciable because Sagar managed to achieve it while helping his family in running the ancestral store and simultaneously attending college.
Sagar Dedicates Success To Family Members
According to Sagar the villages in the hills have a lot of untapped potential and a treasure fo talented students. He believes that all is required is a lot of hard work and self-belief. Sagar gives due credit to the unwavering support of his father Mohit Shah, paternal uncle Lalit Shah, his mother and his teachers.
The GATE examination basically tests the understanding of students in various undergraduate subjects in science and engineering. The Indian Institute of Science and the seven IITs at Guwahati, Delhi, Roorkee, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Mumbai, and Chennai jointly conduct the exam on the behalf of the National Coordination Board-GATE, and Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.